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Welcome To
Carlton Digby School

Together we achieve

Governing Body

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Carry out statutory responsibilities

Members of Carlton Digby School Governing Body

Judith Lee (Chair)


Date of appointment: 06/2010

Term of office: 11/22 - 11/26

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee (Chair)

Voting rights

Fiona Hunter (co-Vice Chair)


Date of appointment: 01/2023

Term of office: 01/23 - 01/27 

Attendance 23/24: 67%

Business Committee (co-Vice Chair)

Pay Committee

Voting rights

Rachel Edworthy (co-Vice Chair)


Date of appointment: 09/2021

Term of office: 09/21 - 09/25

Attendance 23/24: 83%

Business Committee (co-Vice Chair)

Voting rights



Date of appointment: 

Term of office: 

Attendance 23/24: N/A

Business Committee

Voting rights

John Hodgson


Date of appointment: 09/2014

Term of office: 09/22 - 09/26

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee

Pay Committee (Chair)

Voting rights



Date of appointment: 

Term of office: 

Attendance 23/24: N/A 

Business Committee

Voting rights

Helen Thomas


Date of appointment: 03/2024

Term of office: 03/24 - 03/28

Attendance 23/24: 100% 

Business Committee

Pay Committee

Voting rights

Peter Cross

Local Authority

Date of appointment: 11/2019

Term of office: 11/22 - 11/26

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee

Voting rights

Naomi Boulter

Head Teacher

Date of appointment: 09/2023

Term of office: 09/2023 - ongoing

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee

Voting rights



Date of appointment: 

Term of office: 

Attendance 23/24: N/A

Business Committee

Voting rights

Fiona Davis


Date of appointment: 03/2024

Term of office: 03/24 - 03/28

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee

Voting rights

Rachel Saunders


Date of appointment: 10/2017

Term of office: 11/21 - 11/25

Attendance 23/24: 100%

Business Committee

Voting rights


Brett Meats

Associate Member (staff)

Date of appointment: 09/2023

Term of office: 09/23 - 09/27

Attendance 23/24: 83%

Business Committee

NO voting rights


Governors are appointed by Nottinghamshire County Council.

If you are interested in becoming a school Governor, please click here.

Naomi Boulter has a registered business interest in the school (see Business Manager for details).

There are no material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governor and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)

Past Governors and date they stepped down (in the past 12 months):

Janet Spratt-Burch 31/08/2023 (Head Teacher)

Blanca Astill 18/10/2023 (Parent)

Loretta Ryland 03/05/2024 (Co-opted)

Sneh Patel 02/07/2024 (Co-opted)