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Welcome To
Carlton Digby School

Together we achieve


New Pupils Entry Procedures

All pupils at Carlton Digby School have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Pupil places are allocated through the SEND team (ICDS) at Nottinghamshire County Council. If a request for a place is to be made, contact with the SEND team must be made.

Prior to entry:

  • Tour of the school through attendance at an open morning event that will take place once per term
  • If needed, school will contact the current placement to arrange a visit
  • If needed, a senior member of staff will visit the current placement 
  • Transitions programme set up with parents, current placement and Carlton Digby School

Transitions Programme:

  • Tailored to each individual child
  • Some pupils will require a longer transition than others
  • Transitions will always be arranged with the parents and staff at the current placement
  • Transitions visits will be supported by staff from the current placement
  • Visits may increase in duration and frequency as the programme progresses

Within seven weeks of entry:

  • A baseline assessment will be carried out
  • Pupil interim targets for the year ahead will be set (in line with their EHCP)

Within the first term:

  • A new starter meeting for parents will be scheduled to discuss settling in

We hold termly parent open sessions where you will have a presentation from a member of the senior leadership team, a chance to ask questions and then a tour of the school. The session should last approximately 1 hour.

Dates for upcoming tours are :

Wednesday 12th March 10am FULL

Wednesday 11th June 1pm


If you would like to attend one of our school tours, please contact the school office by telephone 0115 9568289 or email

Unfortunately, we are not able to book in additional requests for tours.

We have a virtual school tour that can be accessed by clicking here.


Click on the link which will take you to the Nottinghamshire County Council website where you should find all the necessary information about admissions to schools.


Frequently asked questions when looking for a school place

How are children grouped into classes?

The pupils are grouped according to ability and needs and where possible, by age.

Do you run GCSE's?

We do not run GCSEs. In key stage 4 and 5 (if appropriate and not all pupils will access this) we offer entry level AIM Awards qualifications in Employability skills. This covers a wide range of topics, including maths, English, personal and social education, vocational tasters and work related learning skills. Some pupils will also take functional skills exams in maths, English and IT.

What are the start and finish times of the day?

The school day is 8.45am – 3.15pm. Some pupils come to school on home-school transport. The timings of the pick up and drop offs are determined by school transport. They arrive at school anywhere between. 8.45am and 9.10am. At the end of the day, they leave site anywhere between 3.00pm and 3.25pm.

How do they organise school transport?

Parents apply directly for home-school transport to the local authority. School do not get involved in this process. The online application is the quickest way to complete this

How do I apply for a place? When will we know about a place being given?

All pupils at Carlton Digby School have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Pupil places are allocated through the Integrated Childrens’ Disability Service (ICDS) at Nottinghamshire County Council.

If a request for a place is to be made, contact with the ICDS team must be made. Further details can be found here:

ICDS sends us the child’s paperwork and when we receive this, we have a consultation process to go through. This includes us reading the paperwork to ascertain if we may be able to meet needs or not. After this first stage, ICDS then request a second stage consultation if required. This may involve further discussion, meetings or a visit to the child’s current educational setting.

There are no set deadlines for places being allocated, unless the child is of key stage transfer age (e.g. Y7).

Available places are always limited and cannot be guaranteed until they have been agreed by ICDS. It is advisable that requests for placements are made as early in the school year as possible.

What different special educational needs and disabilities are there in school?

At Carlton Digby School, we have a wide range of different special educational needs and disabilities. All staff have received training and have lots of experience of working with this wide range of SEND. We have a very diverse pupil population.

Where else would you suggest me looking at a placement?

There are 11 maintained special schools in Nottinghamshire. ICDS should be able to guide you with this.